Jewish Historical Society of Michigan

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Below is a link to JHSM's Michigan Women Who Made a Difference Electronic Subject Biography Form. Please help us collect and preserve the stories of Jewish Michigan women who helped build and shape our communities. Their names and stories will be collected and archived by the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan.

Submitting this electronic biography form is simple.  Hitting the "Submit" button will take you to the electronic Subject Biography Form. Please complete as much of the information as you can for all sections. There is no word limit. This form will be autosaved. You may leave the form and come back to it at any time before submitting. When you are ready, please hit the "Submit" button to save your form. It will automatically be sent to the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. 

If you prefer to print a paper copy of this form and handwrite your responses, go to and click on Michigan Women Who Made a Difference. Scroll down to "How to Identify a Michigan Woman Who Made a Difference." Download the pdf form and print it out. Mail your printed and completed form to: 

Jewish Historical Society of Michigan
6600 West Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Jewish Historical Society of Michigan